Saturday, May 31, 2008

Food for thought


Have a look at this video.

Powerful stuff

let me know what you think:)

Hope this helps,

Eric Bonilla

Friday, May 30, 2008

Women's fat loss workout


If you don't know already

this is the place to find the best

workouts for women on the web,

and of course all workouts will be on video

with instructions.

Please- let me know what you think:)

Here's your workout- enjoy:)

Click here: Fat loss for Women

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Women's hybrid fat loss exercises


If you're wondering what hybrid means, I

don't blane you its a "different" name for

a group of fat loss exercises.

Hybrid exercises are performing two exercises

in succession without stopping.

For example if your are doing a front db squat as you come up

from the squat you would press the db's above your head.

Combining these two movements will increase intensity

which means more calories burned i.e. more fat:)

Take a look at the hybrid fat loss video below.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to hit

the comment button.

click here: Hybrid fat loss exercises

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fat Loss & Workouts


Yes, losing fat is not easy.

If you want consistent long term results

you must workout, specifically strength


You will add muscle, which is metabolically

active tissue. This means you're adding

something to your body that not only

makes you healthier, and look better, but

burns fat 24/7 -Pretty amazing.

Here's a fat loss workout- let's put

some fat burning material on our body- Today.

Here's the workout

Click here: Fat Loss workout

If you have any comments or questions
don't hesitate to hit the reply button.
Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fat loss workouts


Memorial weekend is over.

Time to get back on track.

Yep, time to start eating healthy again,

and getting your workouts in.

Need a fat loss workout?

Click here: Fatloss forever

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day - Your summer check point


It's official.

Summer is about to begin.

Are you ready.

You're putting on that

bathing suit this weekend - Right

Well if you're having some second

thoughts here's a fat burning workout
Login here:
"Flat abs for Summerworkout".

If you have any questions or comments
don't hesitate to hit the reply button:)
Would love to hear from you.
Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Women's Exercise


Here's a fat burning bathing suit prep workout.

Summer is coming quick.

It's not to late. Get going.

Alright:) . Here's the Workout
Login here: Bathing suit Workout

Are you a busy Mom? Take a look
at this workout. My friend Holly Rigsby
put together these workouts especially for busy Mom's
Login here: Busy mom's Workout

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Women's Workout


There are a million reasons not to workout.

I know. I'm too busy- School, work, kids et.c.

I have a small sign hanging in my office.

There is a picture of a doctor with his patient.

The caption says

"What fits your busy day better

an hour of exercise a day or being dead 24 hours a day"

You can make some time

Here's a workout- Start today
Login here: Women's exercise

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Women's circuit training


Yes, summer is right around the corner. Memorial Day

kicks off the summer. Will you be "Bathing Suit Ready"

this summer?

Well ,I don't have to tell you. If you haven't started a

strength training program- What are you waiting for?

Or maybe you're training now, but your workouts are

long and boring- same workuts day in and day out.

Circuit training can be just what the "Doctor Ordered "

to get you interested in your workouts again .

Circuit training is a high intensity workout with

several different exercises done in succession.

You definitely get the heart rate up and burn tons

of calories.

If you want to get "Bathing Suit ready" give circuits

a try.

Need a Circuit Workout?

Login Here: Circuit fat loss workout

Monday, May 19, 2008

Training for fat loss

Check out this Women's circuit workout

Include these exercises in your workout routine

Always use good form.

Hope this helps,

Eric Bonilla

Friday, May 16, 2008

Machine's are best for Women's fat loss goals?


Some would have you think that machines are best for women.
I don't have to tell you . You've heard it all before.

"Free weight's will bulk you up". "Free weight training is

Here's a beauty- "Machine's allow you to isolate the muscle better"
It's amazing isn't it? It's no wonder the weight loss industry
is a muti- billion dollar industry.

Let's start with the statement I hear thrown around the most.
"Free weights will bulk you up".

Hormonally speaking, Women don't have the ability to put
on the amount of muscle to constitue "bulkiness".

Invariably what happens with beginners- They put muscle
on from initiating a strength training program thus accelerating
their metabolism. An increased metabolism will increase appetite.

Instead of feeding the furnace so to speak with nutritious food
to help rid the body of fat and maintain muscle the beginner eats
junk food, i.e. hamburgers, sweets, e.t.c. to satisfy their appetite.

This increase of calories, plus the small muscle gain leads to a bulky
appearance, discouragement , and ultimately- A strength training program

Free Weight training is like most things in life. If you're careless there is a
possibilty of getting injured.

For instance riding a bike can be detrimental to your health if you're not
paying attention.

Driving a car, something most people do every day, can be very dangerous
if you don't pat attention at the wheel, or disobey traffiic laws.

There was a study done in 1994 by Brian Hamill , to make a long story short
he found in his research that weight lifting was in fact the safest sport
with the least amount of injuries found.

Well if fat loss is your goal and somebody sits you in a machine
to isolate muscles get out of that machine, and run as far as
you can from them.

Because the name of the game is working multiple muscles,
burning more calories, incinerating more fat.

Work the body as a unit - Just as it functions in everyday activities
and on the sports field.

There you have it. You're equipped with the knowledge to
to start on your fat loss goals.
Hey, Memorial Weekend is coming- Bathing Suit Season
Need some help? Blow torch fat from hips, legs, and arms

Grab your workout here: Ultimate Women's fat loss training workoout

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Women's fat loss training - Start today


There is no better time to start, but now.

The timing will never be right. There will always

be road blocks and hurdles to get over.

If you're waiting for the perfect time to start,

I have news for you, your slim waist and toned arms

will never come.

Set some attainable goals and go for it.

No better time than the present.

In the next installment of Women's fat loss training we'll

discuss goal setting.

Need a fat loss workout?

Login here: Fat loss Workout

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Women's ab workout

Here's a "Women's Killer ab Workout" guaranteed
to strengthen those abs.

Remember, you can work those abs, but if you
have a layer of fat you'll never see those

Make sure you're performing full body exercises
with short intense workouts.
Look for sample high intensity workouts
guaranteed to melt away fat from your
belly in future posts.

If you're in the Walnut, ca area visit us here
for some high intensity fat burning workouts
Premier Sport & Fitness

Hope this helps,
Eric Bonilla
Women's killer ab workout

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Women's fat loss


Checkout this Women's fat loss workout.
If you have any questions or comments
don't hesistate to leave a comment